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Las Juanas: left to right - Maria Jose Alba, Sofia Buchuk, Mabel Encinas, Isabel Ros Lopez, Consuelo, Maria Eugenia Bravo

Consuelo's introduction to the literary group, before they were renamed Las Juanas. This was for a performance for the launch of "Wondermakers" in London.

Introducción de Consuelo al grupo literario, antes de que pasaran a llamarse Las Juanas. Esto fue para una actuación para el lanzamiento de "Wondermakers" en Londres.


Seis mujeres artistas componen el Taller Hispanoamericano de Mujeres de la Memoria. Empezaron como taller literario en 2010 y con su performatividad y trabajo artístico han ganado un legítimo espacio en el mundo literario del Reino Unido. En sus actuaciones utilizan multimedia para que sus espectáculos sean más accesibles. Juntas desarrollan y comparten su creatividad facilitando talleres de escritura y estableciendo lazos con otras comunidades socio-literarias. Este libro, el segundo en la serie de Maravilladoras: Navegantes del Támesis, es fruto de un trabajo conjunto y aplicación de cinco años. Su quehacer literario germina y se desarrolla desde sus propias experiencias de exilio y migración. Es por eso que se concentran en crear inclusión y justicia social. Celebran e impulsan creativamente la defensa de los derechos humanos y del planeta mediante su arte visual, oral, autobiográfico poético y narrativo.

Six women artists form the Hispano-American Women Writers on Memory. They started as a literary group in 2010 and with their performativity and artistic work have gained a legitimate space in the literary world of the UK. In their performances they use multimedia to make their presentations more accessible. Together they develop and share their creativity facilitating writing workshops and establishing links with other socio-literary communities. This book, the second in the series of Wonder-Makers: Navigators of the Thames, is the result of a joint effort and application of five years. Their work stems and develops from their own experiences of exile and migration. Thus, their focus is to create inclusion and social justice. They celebrate and creatively boost the defence of human and planetary rights through their visual, oral, autobiographical, poetic and narrative art.


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Introduction to Consuelo, by Maria Jose Alba, at El Sueño Existe, in 2022. This was read at a performance by Las Juanas, in honour of Consuelo. It reads:

Wonderful Consuelo, beam of light, indomitable traveller of imaginary worlds, chilean, mapuche, and english.

Founder of the first lesbian organisation, LEA, in Concepcion, Chile. We are Las Juanas thanks to Consuelo and Maria Eugenia.

Her dream celebrated and gave birth to Victorina Press, independent publisher with prizes for its work.

Her heart flows, converges and does not shy away from challenging the Alien that lives within her.

We are sisters in Teolincacihuatl, goddess of active women.

Performance of Las Juanas for International Women's Day, 2021; in English and Spanish

Actuación de Las Juanas por el Día Internacional de la Mujer, 2021; en ingles y español

And another performance of Las Juanas, June 2023, in London.

Otra actuación, Junio 2023, en Londres.

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