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Artwork by Maria José Alba in response to the story of Oscar's assassination:

                                    "Security to study, freedom to live".


WhatsApp Image 2024-05-23 at 12.28_edite

To the right of the poster,  is a quotation from one of Oscar's own poems, reproduced on his memorial in Santiago:

"How terrible is indifference

how terrible it is to live for oneself

how terrible it is not to have hope

how terrible it is not to dream".

At the bottom, it cites Consuelo's poem (Barren Walls/Las Paredes Yermas):

"El espanto súbito te nubló la razón

Y corrieron por tu espalda

Rojas estrellas que enfriaron tu cuerpo tibio....

Te fuiste con ellas a iluminar otras mundos".

"The sudden horror clouded your reason

And along your back red stars ran

They cooled your warm body....

You went with them to light up other worlds".

Below the main image is the chant, "El pueblo unido, jamas sera vencido" - The people, united, will never be defeated.

[Consuelo Rivera Fuentes]

Inti Illimani performing "El Pueblo Unido, Jamas será Vencido" in Santiago, 2019.

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