friends and family
- remembering her smiles/ recordando sus sonrisas
These are a few images from Consuelo's life. We didn't want to caption them all individually - we just want to depict her with family and friends, enjoying life, arriving at milestones- like ringing the bell to signify the end of chemotherapy at the Christie hospital, and achieving recognition (she was honoured by the Chilean Embassy in London, and awarded a certificate of achievement).
Estas son algunas imágenes de la vida de Consuelo. No queríamos subtitularlos a todos individualmente; solo queremos representarla con familiares y amigos, disfrutando de la vida, alcanzando hitos (como tocar la campana para indicar el final de la quimioterapia en el hospital Christie y logrando reconocimiento (fue honrado por la Embajada de Chile en Londres, y otorgado un certificado de logro).