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More Music and Tributes

Consuelo singing "En Libertad" - a song made famous by the Chilean group Inti-Illimani, and which was played at both her civil partnership with Lynda, and at her funeral

Consuelo cantando "En Libertad" - canción que hizo famosa el grupo chileno Inti-Illimani, y que fue interpretada tanto en su unión civil con Lynda, como en su funeral.

Consuelo singing, "Gracias a la Vida" (Thanks to Life), written by Violeta Parra

Consuelo singing "Mujer" ("Woman")

cancion para Martina
00:00 / 01:44

Consuelo wrote and recorded this song for her granddaughter,  Martina, for her 5th birthday in 2012.

Consuelo teaching guitar to Martina, July, 2019

Family Christmas,  Staffordshire, December 2021 - trying to sing Hallelujah!

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